Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Butterflies are Free...

... but moths can cost you! Common pantry pests in San Diego County include Indianmeal moths and the Angoumois Grain moth, stored product pests that can invade dry goods in the kitchen. You may bring them home in a bag of rice or a box of oatmeal from the store. Once in the door they cause all kinds of trouble. We are often asked if the moths in our customers' pantries will also invade closets and damage clothing. The answer is no. Although similar in appearance, clothes moths have different eating and living habits. Grain moths are much more visible -  you will see the adult moths in greater numbers, and usually in the kitchen area. But getting rid of them can be time consuming and frustrating. In order to avoid pantry moths, freeze all grain-based products you buy for 4 days before storing them in airtight containers. This is especially important if you buy grain products from bulk bins. Be aware that moth larvae can bore through plastic bags and cardboard boxes. 
If you already have an infestation, go through all grain based stored products. This includes bird seed and dog food, spices, nuts, raisins, cereals, pastas, even chocolate - look through everything! If you find webbing, clumping or larvae in a box or bag, throw it out. Clear off pantry shelves and clean with a good disinfectant cleaner or vinegar solution. This process should eliminate most infestations. Occasionally moth larvae still hatch out from eggs left in the cracks and crevices of pantry shelves. If all your grain-based products are in air tight containers, you can safely put out a moth trap , available at some local retail outlets or online here, to catch ambient adults as they hatch. 

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