Friday, November 21, 2008

Mosquito Prevention Checklist

This checklist is taken from written materials provided by the County of San Diego Vector Control Program. It is a thorough list of things you can do to check your home for mosquito breeding sources. Mosquitos can transmit West Nile Virus and other diseases. Please help keep your neighborhood safe by following these simple directions.
1. Birdbaths: Clean weekly
2. Chain link fence: Cap uncapped fence pipes
3. Containers: Cover or turn upside down
4. Decorative ponds: Stock with mosquito eating fish that eat larvae
5. Drains: Keep outdoor drains flowing freely
6. Dumpsters: Keep covered and remove any water inside or underneath them
7. Faucets and hoses: Fix any leaks
8. Flat roofs: Inspect for puddles after it rains
9. Irrigation: Do not over water, and repair areas with standing water
10. Lawn ornaments: Check for areas that hold water
11. Machinery: Cover and clean any areas that may hold water
12. Playground: Drill drainage holes in tire swings and play ground equipment that holds water
13. Pools/spas: Drain, cover, or stock mosquito fish in unused pools and spas
14. Potted plants: Do not over water and empty saucers weekly
15. Rain gutters: Clean out debris so water flows freely
16. Tires: Dispose or drill holes for water drainage
17. Tool sheds: Eliminate water around foundation
18. Trash cans: Clean weekly and keep covered
19. Unused pipes: Store flat so no water collects
20. Water troughs for animals: Replace water weekly, stock with mosquito fish for larger animal troughs
21. Wheelbarrows: Store upright so water does not collect

See previous blogs for more information on mosquitos and West Nile Virus.

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