Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tuesday's Quiz: Good Bugs

Today's quiz tests your knowledge of insects that can be beneficial around the garden. Some are more familiar than others. The hope is that we'll all take a second look at some of the "good bugs" out there and give them a chance to help the ecological balance in our yards.

1. Which of these is considered a "good bug" - they kind that eats more destructive bugs?
a. Gypsy moth
b. praying mantis
c. aphids
d. mosquitos

2. Ground beetles are "good bugs" because they:
a. aerate the soil
b. pollinate flowers and fruit trees
c. eat slugs
d. help clean stagnant water

3. How many unhelpful bugs does an average ladybug eat in its lifetime?
a. 1,000
b. 3,000
c. 5,000
d. 10,000

4. Beneficial nematodes are what kind of bug?
a. microscopic parasites
b. tiny larvae that eat harmful insects
c. small flying insects that cross-pollinate
d. aquatic insects that filter water

5. Earthworms are some of nature's most efficient composters. In what kind of soil do they thrive?
a. Sandy soil
b. Heavy clay
c. Moist soil
d. Alkaline soil

6. Which of the following are plants that attract good bugs?
a. parsley and sage
b. rosemary and thyme
c. hostas and agapanthas
d. roses and gardenias

7. How do wasps help destroy destructive bugs?
a. They sting grasshoppers and locust.
b. They lay eggs on caterpillars, and the larvae then eat the caterpillars.
c. They build nests near water, then feed on mosquito larvae.
d. They emit an odor that is offensive to slugs.

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