Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cockroach Quiz Answers

Here are the answers to yesterday's Cockroach Quiz. How did you do? Hopefully, the answers will help you understand some of the habits and control methods for cockroaches.

1. Cockroaches have (c) membranous wings, whereas beetles have hardened forewings (elytra). This does not mean that all cockroaches or all beetles can fly. If you want to see pictures of the various kinds of cockroaches most common in California, there are pictures and descriptions here. To the best of our knowledge, none of the cockroaches common to San Diego click when disturbed. Beetles, not cockroaches, are related to lady bugs, and feed on plants and fungi.

2. An adult German cockroach can fit through an opening as small as (b) 1/16th of an inch. An immature cockroach can fit through an even smaller opening. Part of exclusion involves sealing cracks and crevices in kitchens and bathrooms, where cockroaches can hide.

3. The egg cases of cockroaches are called (b) oothecae. HEPA (a) is an acronym for High Efficiency Particle Absorber - the kind of  vacuum filter suggested for use in vacuuming up roaches to avoid allergic reactions. The pronotum (d) is the shield-shaped section on most cockroaches located behind the head - another way to tell it is a cockroach and not a beetle.

4. German and Oriental cockroaches are the most common varieties seen in San Diego. Oriental cockroaches are (b) larger and darker in color than the German variety. Oriental cockroaches prefer cooler weather and survive well outdoors; American cockroaches can fly.

5. In controlling an infestation of cockroaches, (a) sanitation and exclusion are most critical. No amount of chemical treatment will eliminate a cockroach population without sanitation and exclusion. Keep food in tightly covered containers, clean kitchen and bathroom cabinets and walls, keep trash areas outside clean and garbage cans with tight fitting lids, eliminate piles of newspapers, paper bags, and boxes inside and outside the house, fix plumbing leaks, seal cracks to the outside, and check weather stripping on doors and windows.

6. Monitoring stations are helpful in identifying the origin of a cockroach infestation. It is wise o place monitoring stations in (d) the backs of kitchen cabinets, behind the refrigerator, and in corners of rooms.

7. One of the inherent problems with effective chemical control of cockroaches is (c) cockroaches can develop a resistance to chemicals used frequently or improperly. Cockroaches can actually pass along some resistance to their offspring if liquid chemicals are sprayed too frequently. Integrated pest management involves sanitation and exclusion, and the use of chemical applications used according to label directions.

8. The answer is (d) - all of the above. Cockroaches can carry salmonella, hepatitis or staphylococcus germs. Far from harmless, these invaders can put your family at risk for these and other diseases. If you have an existing problem which you cannot solve yourself, call your pest professional.

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