Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Cockroach Quiz

Today's Tuesday Quiz will test  your knowledge of one of our least welcome pests: Cockroaches. If you have been following this blog, you already know how quickly they can multiply.  Now try some cockroach questions that may help keep these common pests at bay.

1. Cockroaches and beetles may look alike, but they have different habits and attributes. Which of the following are common only to cockroaches?
a. Cockroaches make a clicking sound when disturbed.
b. Cockroaches are related to lady bugs.
c. Cockroaches have membranous wings.
d. Cockroaches feed on plants and fungi.

2. Cockroaches are nocturnal. They like to hide in narrow, warm, dark places. How small a hole can an adult German cockroach fit into?
a. 1/32 of an inch
b. 1/16 of an inch
c. 1/8 of an inch
d. 1/4 of an inch

3. Cockroaches sometimes glue their egg cases underneath furniture, in appliance motors, or under kitchen shelves or drawers. What is another name for cockroach egg cases?
a. hepa
b. oothecae
c. larvaettes
d. pronotum

4. The difference between German and Oriental cockroaches is:
a. German cockroaches prefer cooler weather and live mostly outdoors.
b. Oriental cockroaches are larger and darker in color.
c. German cockroaches can fly.
d. all of the above.

5. In controlling an infestation of cockroaches, which of these methods are most critical?
a. sanitation and exclusion
b. trapping and baiting
c. exclusion and spraying
d. spraying and baiting

6. Monitoring stations help identify where the origin of an infestation of cockroaches is located. Where is the best place to put monitoring stations?
a. in the backs of cabinets in the kitchen
b. behind refrigerator
c. all corners of rooms
d. all of the above

7. What is one of the inherent problems with effective chemical control of cockroaches?
a. not putting enough chemical in place
b. chemicals evaporate and become useless
c. cockroaches form a resistance to chemicals used frequently or improperly
d. chemicals can't sterilize cockroaches, so they continue to reproduce

8. Which of the following diseases can be spread by cockroaches?
d. all of the above

Answers to today's quiz will be posted in tomorrow's blog.