Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday's Quiz: Bed Bugs

Last week we visited the topic of bed bugs, so the quiz today tests your knowledge of these blood feeders. Answers to today's quiz will be posted tomorrow, along with more information on bed bug control as it impacts San Diego homeowners and property managers. Here's the quiz:

1. Why have bed bugs made a reappearance in the United States after years of virtual extinction here?
a. a new "super" strain of bed bugs developed
b. immigration from other countries has increased
c. fewer and less effective liquid pesticides are being used
c. no one knows exactly why

2. The first indication of bed bug infestation is usually the presence of bites on their hosts because:
a. bed bugs are too tiny to be seen with the naked eye
b. bed bugs are transparent
c. bed bugs run away from people
d. bed bugs hide during the day and come out to feed at night

3. Bed bugs can be carriers of which of these diseases?
a. typhus and malaria
b. salmonella and plague
c. all of the above
d. none of the above

4. When looking for bed bugs, the best places to look are:
a. on mattresses and box springs
b. bed frames, headboards and wall hangings
c. baseboards, closets, window and door casings
d. all of the above

5. Bed bugs cannot live at temperatures
a. above 100 degrees
b. above 120 degrees
c. below 50 degrees
d. below 60 degrees

6. The best way to avoid a bed bug infestation is to
a. vacuum and clean your home thoroughly every day
b. set off bug bombs in your home
c. do not buy furniture at garage sales or from thrift stores
d. throw away your mattress and sleep on the floor

7. Bed bug resistant mattress covers are recommended because:
a. they kill all bed bugs within a 10-foot radius
b. they starve bed bugs on the mattress and prevent further infestation
c. bed bugs will not go near a mattress cover
d. all of the above

8. Bed bugs can go without feeding for 
a. 20-30 days
b. 60-80 days
c. 80-140 days
d. up to two years

Look for answers tomorrow, and more bed bug information in Friday's blog.